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Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts


How to stop being needy and clingy in a relationship

01 December 0

At one time or another, most of us have found ourselves in a relationship where we’re clinging. But, this is never to our advantage. When you get a fleece jacket out of the dryer and every sock you own is stuck to it, it’s annoying, right?
This clinginess is also aggravating in a relationship. Ergo, don’t be a sock; socks suck.
Still, learning how to stop being needy and clingy is more than just a decision. Clinginess is  to need and need is a feeling we can’t always control.
This is why learning how to get your needs met is so vital. So is building your own self-esteem so you can frolic in a healthy relationship instead of wallow in an unstable one.
Unfortunately, many people assume that asking a partner to meet their needs will put an unfair pressure on them, a pressure that will leave the foundation of a union cracked.
Then everything — the love, bond, and trust — comes tumbling down. But, the irony is, in order to learn how to stop being needy, you must learn how to demand that your needs are indeed met. Yep, not expressing need creates neediness.
When we don’t express our needs and ask our partner to fulfill something, we stay locked in a state of need. That’s what creates neediness in a relationship.
For example, a woman who wants to tell the man she’s dating that she loves him might find herself unable to sleep, struggling at work, or distracted. She’ll definitely find herself insecure about her relationship.
Expressing her heart, on the other hand, removes this burden and transforms the partnership. It also allows the relationship to blossom into the next stage.
Part of this is when you’re being honest with yourself, you’re allowing your authentic self to be realized and that is so important in love and life. Be happy. Be sappy. Be hurt. Be a flirt. Be playful. Be graceful. The point is: be true and be you.
When you fail to learn how to express yourself, you fail to learn how to love as well. And then the relationship simply fades quietly into the night.
Being authentic and in touch with your needs is a skill we must learn; it’s scary to put yourself out there. It’s also very, very necessary. So, in order to re-frame your relationship and your role in it, ask yourself what it is you truly want.
Do you want to be heard? Do you want presence (or presents!)? Do you want clearer communication? Expressing your needs allows you and your partner to learn where you stand with each other.
And it’s different than putting overt pressure on somebody. But why? What makes something a burden and what makes it clean communication about one’s needs?
It comes down to this: when you’re asking someone to meet your needs, are you asking them to do something they’re uncomfortable with? When you’re asking someone to meet your needs, are you making assumptions about their intentions?
In other words, the key to clear communication is to ensure that the other person is okay and that you’re not making a request based on assumptions (or assigned blame).
Luckily, the latter is easily resolved. Assuming is a curable condition: talking is the remedy.
In other words, there is a huge difference between saying, “You never listen to me” and “I’m feeling a little insecure and I think I could use some more attention from you.”
One elicits defensiveness; the other does not. One prevents you from owning your experience; the other does not.
It’s not just words that help you do this, either. Most communication, the vast majority, is nonverbal — it’s not what you say but how you say it (your tone, your gestures).
This is why communicating face to face is always better than doing so over email or text; technology removes nonverbal communication from the equation and sets the stage for misunderstandings.
Communicating your needs in a way that owns them and doesn’t attack or blame the other person provides an opportunity for growth. It also allows your partner to step up and meet those needs, something they’ll want to do if your relationship is worthy.
If they don’t step up (or they accuse you of pressuring them when your communication is clear and you-centric), then it might be time to reassess your union.
Maybe you have different visions for the relationship. Maybe you’re at different stages in your life. Maybe the guy or gal who works at the coffee shop and always draws a heart on your chai latte is a better fit.
If that bridge appears, it’s one you’ll have to decide to cross.
Ideally, your partner will jump at the opportunity to meet your needs (and you will do the same for them), because that’s what makes a relationship go the distance.
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Must Read: 9 signs that guarantee your relationship is over.

28 November 0
It’s always difficult to know when a relationship is over but sometimes the answer is right in front of you, you just need it to be pointed out. We’ve got expert advice on how to know when it’s time to call it a day…

1. You’re failing to communicate…
“Communication is so essential to a relationship, that the lack thereof can be a sign that the relationship is on its way out,” says Rachel DeAlto, relationship and flirting expert. “Are either of you no longer talking about issues or communicating about things that bother you? That is a huge sign that one of you has checked out.”
Failing to communicate will leave a big void in your relationship and cause minor problems to spiral into unnecessary issues. Try going for an afternoon walk or book a table at your local restaurant, with no distractions the conversation should flow more easily. If it proves to be difficult and it becomes apparent that you simply just don’t care anymore then you know what to do.
2. You’re bored
At the beginning of your relationship, their romantic gestures came thick and fast and every little indication of their affection would ignite the flame of excitement in you. But now the honeymoon period is over, your time together is more about staying in front of the telly rather then romantic meals and walks in the park.
While this isn’t necessarily time to call it quits immediately, do let them know you need some more excitement again, even if it’s a case of simply making a date at your local restaurant. If they fail to make the effort then it’s time to question just how much this relationship means to each of you. If they aren’t interested then why should you be?
3. You pick fights
Picking fights with your loved one is a sign of irritation and unfortunately, the beginning of the end. Relationship expert, Rachel DeAlto says, “Often people tend to start picking fights when they feel a relationship is at its end. They are trying to get their partner to do the dirty work and break it off.”
So if the small things that never used to bother you are now more infuriating then cute, it’s time to move on to someone where you can spend your time snogging rather then arguing.
4. You avoid future plans
Does the thought of spending more time with your S/O than necessary fill you with dread? Then you need to have a serious relationship overhaul! Being in love should never be a chore or require too much effort. In fact, you should be counting down the days to booking another romantic trip or having that quiet evening you’ve planned together.
So what if you’re not? Well, you can’t MAKE yourself want to spend time with someone, try doing something you’re both interested in to give your relationship one last shot. If you still want to avoid them afterwards, then it’s time to avoid the relationship altogether.
5. You don’t get affectionate
Can you remember the last time you missed your partner? Do you often tell them you love them? Love snuggling up for a cuddle? If these feelings and expressions have become a thing of the past, then your relationship needs an emotional overhaul. If you don’t want to embrace your S/O or you wouldn’t miss them if they left then its time to move on.
6. You start daydreaming…
We’re talking about full-on daydreams of your life as a single woman or how you’re going to attract someone new. “If you start daydreaming about other people, imagining your life as a single woman, and fantasising about the next person you want to date, your relationship is basically over. You have already started to emotionally detach,” says Rachel DeAlto.
So if you find yourself drifting into sweet dreams about everyone OTHER then your partner, you need to question just why that is. Have you fallen out of love? Do they fail to float your boat? Or are they just boring you? Either way, it’s THEM you should be dreaming about, so you need to rethink if you have a wandering mind.
7. You fight constantly
A spat of words in a relationship is a great way to vent and can actually be healthy, after all, it shows you both still care. If you get to a point however, when you can no longer resolve the issues and just fight ALL the time, you need to think about how you want to continue in the relationship. If you find you both still have the desire to sort things out, you could be in with a chance of reviving your relationship. If there’s no want, then unfortunately there’s no relationship.
8. You’ve lost interest
At the beginning of a relationship, you and your S/O are inseparable. You embark on endless text convos about what you’re up to, late night phone calls to see how their day went and go on spontaneous dates so you can spend even more time together. Once chatting about these general day-to-day topics no longer interests either of you, it’s time to decide whether you’ve outgrown one another.
“In love, you know your relationship is over when you become completely indifferent to them,” says relationship expert Rachel DeAlto. “If you don’t care what they do, where they go or whether you even see them, it is time to move on.”
Rachel also adds, “The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference,” so if you don’t feel anything strong, then the passion has definitely left the building!
9. They’ve cheated
It is not impossible to get over the fact your partner cheated, many couples do it and can become stronger as a result. For some of us however, it’s a tough hurdle to get over.
“Cheating in a relationship is always damaging. There are many factors that come into . when deciding if it’s time to call it quits, but it all comes down to whether you can rebuild the trust,” says Rachel DeAlto. “If you cannot forgive and trust them again, it’s better to walk away.”
Try a romantic break to see if you can rekindle some romance and remember why you fell in love. If you still can’t get over a past infidelity, then you need to consider that this breach of trust may just not be something you will ever get over.
Coined from UK Cosmo
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26 November 0

People will see a man washing his clothes and instead of minding their business, they'll say "Ahh Oga Victor, go and marry so you'll stop washing".

They'll see a man cooking and be like "Bro John, you need to get married so you can stop cooking".

A mother will look at his 35years old son who cannot wash his own boxers, boil water for tea or even make his own bed, a 35years old that cannot take his plates to the kitchen after eating and tell him "James, you need to settle down, get a woman to take care of you". SERIOUSLY??

In different ways, the society subconsciously tell men that they don't marry women for any reason other than cleaning, cooking and childbearing. I begin to wonder, does the average man need a wife or a glorified maid?

Many women look 3times their age all because of stress and exhaustion. You sit down in front of the TV with your phone and watch your wife work until she's about to pass out. REALLY?? 😱

Men, who told you that it is wrong to wash your own plates?

Who told you that it is wrong to wash your own clothes?

Who told you that it is wrong to dress your bed when you wake up?

What will it take to help your partner with chores in the house?

If a man wanted to be adopted as a child to be pet, pampered, fed and nursed. Then, he need not to seek marriage, he should rather offer himself up for an adoption at a motherless home to be pick up.

BUT If you want a wife, who you would love, cherish, do different things with, assist in some chores, and love her for the rest of your life, then get married.

AND if you are getting married because you feel you're becoming too old to do your own chores then get a maid.

Women are to be cherished, pampered and loved, not USED.

Source :Naza
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Ibidunni Damilola: 9 Signs Of An Emotionally Immature Partner

30 October 0

I was having a conversation with a distant friend and I asked about her relationship status, since her last breakup months ago. She told me she was still single and I inquired the reason behind her decision to remain single for so long. In a flash, she replied, “I am not interested in a relationship yet, been there, done that.”

I suddenly had a premature heart contraction, i.e. my heart suddenly skipped a beat. These words hit me, not because they sounded ecstatic or nonchalant, but the magnitude of its profoundness struck a core.

Relationships are one of those life goals everyone wants to engage in at a point in their lives. To have someone embrace you in your dimmest without judging your unpleasant inadequacies. Especially a fond connection where one is free to be himself/herself, to laugh with, to cry with, to love with and never grow into a green heart. But like every force, perfection is fairly impossible and these disadvantages, sadly, most often than not, ruins all the good memories.

“Years of love have been forgotten, in the hatred of a minutes.” – Edgar Allan Poe.
Being in love, genuinely, isn’t an issue, staying in love is where the issue lies, and that all comes down to your mental maturity. If you can’t sincerely handle yourself and get your affairs in check, you can’t handle someone else; thus, you will keep finding yourself being unable to fulfil some basic responsibilities.

Being conflicted with one’s self is the inability to know what you want and what you need. These are inner conversations one must have with his/her mind. You need your personal time to mentally and emotionally break and heal.. if you want to grow. Loneliness might seem tormenting to the mind, but it is also an avenue to understand who you are and who you want to be. Your mind is a complement of your heart. When your mind is not settled, your heart is disorientated.

Some common signs of immaturity in a relationship are:

• Selfishness
Mentally immature people put their needs first, without flinching for a second to consider the other person’s point of view. They lack the attentiveness and concern of others as opposed their narcissistic opinion.

• Defensiveness
This might seem rather general in relationships, but unlike a mature partner who listens before responding to a fault or opinion, an immature partner always blows an issues out of proportion, whether wrong or right. They get awfully defensive and sometimes get upset over the smallest issue, which gets worse when their partner is at fault.

• Pushing Buttons
An immature partner consciously makes you furious for something you obviously don’t condone. There is an obvious line between a joke and a serious conversation. They don’t understand this line. They intentionally annoy their partner and push this partner’s perception of an issue, causing him/her to react to their follies.

• Little or No Physical Chemistry
The physical chemistry is all they are interested in and the moment their advances are turned down, probably for a sensible reason, an unnecessary issue arises. It is sometimes a case of not being interested in the physical part of a relationship. They turn off that part of them and decline any attempt of a physical chemistry with their partner, giving ugly excuses to why they can’t have anything physical with them.

• Communication Issues
They have issues talking about their feeling despite the genuineness of their feeling which gets deeply frustrating to their partner. “Nothing is wrong”, “I don’t want to talk about it” are phrases they regularly use. They also entirely shut down when their partner needs an advice on a particular issue, because they are only bothered with things associated to them, thereby ignoring whatever issue their partner wants to discuss with them.

• Jealousy Tantrums
They always go out of their way to purposely make you consciously jealous, or throw tantrums when an opposite sex is involved with you, whether platonic or non-platonic. They flirt with the opposite sex to see the reaction of their partner, and if this partner doesn’t notice their dramatic stunt, they sometimes lose it and throw unnecessary outbursts.

• Disrespect
Mentally immature people have no iota of respect for their partners.

• No Goals for The Future
They have no idea of where the relationship is headed and aren’t bothered by the thought. They don’t look forward to the future, but rather live in the moment.

• Regretful
This is usually called “Foot in Mouth” syndrome. They will almost certainly utter a statement or use words they immediately regret, after the damage has being done, of course. They put their partner down with their words in one moment and the next moment they are apologising.

If you want to love, be loved and be lovable, in body, soul and mind, you have to give your partner, if not your full attention, but most of it. It isn’t just a decision which could be temporary, it is a commitment. Be entirely honest with yourself, judge your mind and gauge your heart intimately.

Do you want this?
Do you need this?
Are you ready?

Breaking hearts or getting your heart broken on the basis of love isn’t healthy for anyone. Don’t be caught up in the dogma of “Getting hurt, over and over again to learn the tales of love because experience is the best teacher.”

No road is long without good company. You are your own company. You are your own teacher. You are your own experience. Understanding the cores of your mind and the expectancies of your heart is up to you, and not the responsibility of another. You need to learn how to fight your own battles, conquer your own obstacles and take on your own challenges.

It is selfish to get into a relationship because you feel incomplete with yourself or paralyzed by your own difficulties.
You don’t have to constantly look for love at every moment of your life, jumping from one relationship to one heartbreak. Don’t hurt a good person because you can’t get your affairs in check or get your heart broken because you can’t figure out what you exactly desire from a relationship.

Be the best you can be for the person who deserves the best of who you become.
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Amazing Love Story Of Ogochukwu And Abiodun :When A Yoruba Gentleman Marries His Igbo Princess:

30 October 0

Read this  Beautiful story we saw on Bellanaija, about two love birds, of different Ethnicity. The Bride is Igbo, while the Husband is Yoruba.
Ogochukwu met Abidoun through a mutual friend at university. They chatted for sometime and lost touch because of her busy school schedule.
Years would pass before the couple would meet at a convocation party, fall in love and finally decide it was time to begin their forever journey together.
“…he patiently waited for me for years while I played busy till I went to him myself.” – Ogochukwu
Here is a little back story on how they met.
How We Met
By the bride — Ogochukwu
One night, I was in my hostel when a friend called my phone. He wanted to obtain my permission to give out my mobile number to someone who had asked.
“Who?” I asked.
“His name is Biodun” he said
I had a vague recollection of him as the brother of a friend I went to church regularly with. I was quite pleased that he had the manners to insist I gave my permission first. I did not tarry with granting it
“Sure” I replied.
Biodun and I started chatting everyday, sending text messages back and forth and somewhere in my head, I thought I was giving him nerd tips on how to make female friends, oblivious to the fact that I was the fish.
He would send flash messages and texts and I always looked forward to them, they were usually pretty entertaining and educative.
However, for some twisted reason, I never saved his number. I enjoyed seeing his number whenever I got a message from him, it gave me a strange pleasure as opposed to seeing his name.
That way, I did not have to pick up my phone and reach out first and whenever I forgot to respond to his flash messages, reaching him was not possible. It was my subconscious, playing hard to get.
Soon after, my replies got fewer because I got very busy with school as my department was not to be toyed with.
Naturally, the frequency of his own messages dropped, he only reached out once in a blue moon and I had respond for a bit and then disappear as usual.
On his sister’s graduation day, it struck me that he would be around so I looked for her.
“What of Biodun?” I asked
She directed me to where I had find him. So my friends and I carried our Convocation food and drinks hunt to his location. I was a bit hurt he didn’t tell me he was going to be there but I was glad to see him.
“Have you guys eaten? He asked.
We kept smiling at each other.
Yes” I replied.
He offered us some more drinks. I thanked him and we continued our hunt at the next available canopy. Later on, he told me he was surprised I had looked for him and that urged him on.

One day, almost a year after the convocation, he reached out and we chatted for a bit. Again, I ran off, promising to get back to him later as I had my project defence the next day.
To his surprise and ultimately mine, I sent him a text when I was leaving school the next day and we ended up chatting till I got to Lagos. We made arrangements to meet at a mutual friend’s party that evening. I got there before him and had to deal with conversations I wasn’t interested in having. The minute I saw him walk in, fully dressed in his riding gear, I was filled with admiration and joy, my Knight in not so shiny armour had come to my rescue.
From that moment, I enjoyed every moment talking to him. That for me was the beginning.
He patiently waited for me for years while I played busy till I went to him myself.
How We Met,
The groom Abiodun‘s version
I heard of Ogo long before I saw her. She was one of the most talked about Jambites. I remember seeing her and thinking, she is a bit too light skinned for me. Now that I think about it, she fit all the physical attributes I wanted and more, except she was #TeamLightSkin.
A few years passed before we spoke to each other. I asked a mutual friend to introduce us. I was a chat person. I recall being stumped on her untimely response to messages, I am talking days here before she replied a “How’s it going” message. Perhaps those kinds of messages are to run of the mill (less painful way to say boring)
One of the memories that struck me was at my younger sister’s convocation, I was walking back to join the family only to see Ogo with her posse (she still thinks she was with one person) walking in my direction. I thought it was a coincidence until she said she was actually looking for me (Ghen Ghen). I tried to contain my excitement but I must not have done a great job of it. Later that night or perhaps the next day, I sent a message. Do you think she responded on time?
I had given up any hope of having an extended conversation until I saw a picture of her a friend put up. That picture woke up something that I still did not know was within me. I sent a message and to my surprise, she responded. After a few exchanges, she sent the dreaded “Will buzz you tomorrow”. In my mind, I was like “Yeah, bye Felicia”.
Tomorrow came, Lo and behold, she buzzed. The excitement!!! We chatted the whole day, met up with her at a friend’s party she attended. I don’t ride at night – bad eyesight and all but I did that night. Thinking back, she must know now that I hardly ever put myself in harm’s way like that.
The Proposal
From the bride, Ogochukwu,
We were alone in his friend’s car after an event when he called my attention to a tiny box with a ring in it. I thought he found it in his friend’s car and was playing around. So when he asked me to marry him, I laughed and told him he plays too much.
But he wasn’t.

I went from shocked to overjoyed as I did not see a proposal coming anytime soon.
We have come a long way through good and trying times. I have seen him try to become a better person for me, for us, and this is all that matters.
I give God all the glory.
The Groom, Biodun‘s version of the proposal
It was the month after completing her Youth service. The day was the 3rd of December 2016. It was at a Bike, Car and Fashion show organised by a mutual friend. I know she is a lover of bikes and fashion. It was an a typical proposal. No restaurant, no music, no friend(s), no on bended knee. I was going to return one of the bikes to Magodo Brooks estate. I asked if she could drive behind me. The irony, it was dark as well, throwback to the first time we hung out all those years ago. The danger I put myself because of this woman sha.
Anyway, I dropped off the bike without any accident (Thank God, as that bike was not/is not cheap). We were driving out of the estate, she was staring out the window thinking about God knows what. While driving (at snail’s pace, to the safety police reading this), I asked her to marry me.
It clearly took her by surprise, either that or we should consider a career for her in Nollywood (apologies, We must think bigger, Hollywood). She eventually saw the ring. What got to me was that I could tell she was all teary eyed but refused to lose her composure because she did not want to ruin her make up. SMH Ogo!

White Wedding Photos:

Reception Dress Glam:

Traditional Wedding:


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8 Behaviors Men Show When They Are With Their True Love

27 October 0
You will know if your man is truly in love with you when he does these eight things

Generally, women are much better listeners than men. To be frank, some men have absolutely atrocious listening skills.
The curious thing is that men will always intently focus on things of interest. So, when a man not only hears you but actively pays attention and intelligently responds – a skill called active listening – you can have confidence that he’s smitten.
Making personal sacrifices is much easier when doing it for a person we love. In fact, men who are in love will feel tremendous discomfort at the thought of their woman being unhappy – especially if there’s something we can do about it.
As such, making sacrifices for your happiness is one way a man demonstrates his love for you. He will almost always put you first, even if it means changing his plans or stepping out of his comfort zone.
Men being men, we’re cautious about showing any behavior that can be perceived by others as a weakness. In love, however, this deeply ingrained attitude often falls by the wayside – and we don’t care.
If we’re in love, we’re far more comfortable with feeling and acting vulnerable. Vulnerability will assuredly make several appearances throughout a relationship – especially if we’re with you only.
Remember how much effort we put into looking our best during those early dates? Of course. All of us want to look and feel good when meeting up with a potential partner.
Then there’s the actual relationship. As we spend more time with each other, comfort levels build, and our need to impress declines sharply. We’re free to wander around in our pajamas, stain our shirts, and forgo the hair gel.
When men love someone, we’ll think a woman looks beautiful no matter the situation.
In love, a real man isn’t shy about saying how proud he is of you.
Whether you’re a fantastic mother, a hard worker, or reaching your goals, you can rest assured that your efforts don’t go unnoticed. In fact, all of the admirable things you’ve done and are working towards brings us a great amount of pride and joy.
On a related note, we’re not (too) upset about losing to you. If you’re both very competitive people, he’ll probably feel a bit less crushed following a swift defeat! (Well done!)
Okay, personal story. This writer was visiting a hospital when his girlfriend was being harassed by a security guard and a couple of his ilk. When calling to ask where she was, the panic was evident in her voice.
He was absolutely furious. After calming down enough to navigate the hospital, this writer came upon said dirt bags, rolled his sleeves up and unequivocally lit into them. (Mind you, this happened in a foreign country – so some restraint was in order.) Following the girlfriend’s pleas and arm tugs, we all left unscathed.
What ignited my rage? The hurt in my woman’s voice. The stomach-dropping, gut-clenching hurt that can only be felt by someone who so dearly loves another.
This one’s obvious, but just to avoid offending anyone – we’re not talking fights of the insult-throwing and drama-inducing variety. We’re certainly not talking about physical altercations.
That said, if a man loves you and is emotionally invested in his relationship, he will initiate a “fight” to avoid losing you; even if that means fighting with the woman he loves.
Why? Because we’re afraid. We love you, and we the slightest threat to our relationship is the equivalent of a punch to the gut. If we’re fighting with this purpose in mind, we want to make things work and demonstrate our commitment.
If we know that someone is important to you, by default, they become important to us. The reason is simple: you cherish family and friends, and the last thing we want is to hurt your feelings.
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