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Showing posts with label Life style. Show all posts


Does Smoking Weed Make You More Creative?

10 December 0

A new study on the effects of smoking marijuana and its relation to creativity has some interesting results.
The study consisted of 412 marijuana users (they couldn’t find 8 more?) and 309 non-users, and they attempted to answer the question: Does smoking marijuana make you more creative?
Emily LaFrance, the co-author of the study and graduate student at Washington State University, says she first became interested in the topic when she noticed that a lot of her favorite artists admit they smoke marijuana. “This cannabis use was commonly thought to have been a cause of the creative success of many artists,” she explains. “I began to wonder about this commonly held idea – are cannabis users really more creative than non-users?”
The study is called “Inspired by Mary Jane? Mechanisms underlying enhanced creativity in cannabis users” and was published in Consciousness and Cognition. It examined the participants over a variety of areas including psychological tests, and measuring creative works and achievements.
Some major points from the study include:
  • Cannabis users were more likely to be extroverted and open to new experiences.
  • Cannabis users reported higher levels of artistic creativity, but not a higher amount of creative achievements or completed works.
  • Cannabis users performed better on a convergent thinking test (which tests creative problem solving).
Overall, they did find that those who use marijuana are more creative than their counterparts who do not use it, but when they dug deeper they made a startling discovery.
When the scientists included the personality traits into the data, they realized that these traits on their own could determine whether a person is more open to using marijuana, as well as drive a tendency to be more creative.
“Cannabis users may be more creative than non-users,” LaFrance says, “but this is not because using cannabis has increased their creativity.” She goes on to explain that it’s the fact that marijuana users “are more open to experience than non-users, and this openness to experience is associated with both cannabis use, and heightened creativity.”
So there you have it: if you smoke pot you’re probably more creative than people who don’t… but it’s not necessarily the weed that’s got your creativity going. It was you all along!
Note: This study was conducted with all subjects being sober, meaning none of them were under the influence of marijuana during the test.
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10 tips on how to know if you are in love or it’s an illusion

10 December 0

Love is the best emotion there is. When asked what we want most out of life, many of us say we want to love and be loved. But how do we know when the feelings are real, or when they’re just an infatuation? In this article, Beauty and Tips takes a look at 10 tips on how to know if you are in love or if it’s an illusion.
They say that only fools rush in. What’s also true is that we often get carried away with our feelings, falsely thinking we’re in love, when actually we’re just momentarily infatuated. True love is something different to anything else, yet because of how our body works, we often get the same rush of giddiness when we’re temporarily crushing on someone. In other words, our body tricks us into believing we’re in love when it’s not real. That doesn’t sound fair at all! So how do we differentiate between the real deal and an illusion. . is how:
They’re The First Person You Think Of When You’ve Got Some Exciting News
You know when someone gives us some really exciting news? We literally can’t wait to tell someone else! Or maybe we’ve received some exciting news of our own. Maybe we’ve just received our exam results and we totally aced it. We can’t wait to tell someone! But who?! If you’re in love and it’s the real deal, the first person you can’t wait to share your exciting news with is that special someone. There is no one else you want to tell first! Maybe you text them, call them or rush over to their house. Either way, you can’t wait to tell them and let them share in your awesome news.
You’re Experiencing A Roller Coaster Of Emotions
When they don’t text you, you feel as though life isn’t worth living. “Obviously they don’t like me. If they did, they would have texted me by now. Why do I even get out of bed in the morning?” Then, as soon as they text, your mood is instantly lifted, the world is awesome, and you feel as though you could hug a stranger! This is what happens when we’re in love and it isn’t an illusion. We go through an emotional roller coaster. We’re up and down. It’s exciting, if a tad stressful and exhausting!
You Watch An Awesome Movie And Think: “They Would LOVE This”
If we don’t love someone, they’re hardly going to be on our minds as we watch a movie. However, if you love someone, they’re going to be the first thing you think about when you watch something you know they would love. Ever done that? Ever watched a movie, or read a book and thought “this would be SO perfect for them”? It’s a sign that you’re attuned to their personal taste; you know their likes, and their dislikes. This usually happens when we fall in love with someone. We start to anticipate the things they’d like, and all of a sudden so many things begin to make us think of them.
And Literally Everything Reminds You of Them
How to know if you are in love? Not only do you watch a movie and think of them – but pretty much everything starts to make you think of them. It’s like you can’t go on the morning commute to work without something bringing them to mind. You eat dinner and the food reminds you of them. You drink coffee, and just the smell reminds you of them. It’s like you can’t do anything without them being there in spirit! Not that you’re complaining. It’s kinda nice! But it’s also a super strong sign that this love is the real deal.
You Can’t Get Enough Of Them, No Matter How Annoying They Become
Everyone becomes annoying eventually, even our Prince Charming. But it’s a measure of how in love with someone you really are when you’re able to tolerate their faults. So how to know if you are in love? If their imperfections look perfect to you, it’s a sign that you genuinely love that person.
You’re Willing To Make Changes For Them
Wow, get you – not only do you love this person, but you love them so much that you’re willing to make changes for them. They must be awesome! It’s the real deal when we love someone so much that we’re prepared to make changes. We’re prepared to change our behaviour, make sacrifices or break bad habits for them. On the other hand, we wouldn’t be prepared to turn our lives upside down if all this was just an illusion. No way – it’s just not worth our time.
You Talk About Them A Lot
“No, I don’t!” you protest. Okay, who were you talking about an hour ago? “Okay, I do talk about them – but not all the time,” you concede. “Just every ten minutes.” In fact, your friends know it. They’ve even told you that you talk about your partner a lot, like really a lot. But you know what? So what if you do talk about them to your friends, your mom, your grandma, your boss and a total stranger, you love them and that’s all that matters, right?!
You Smile When They Text You
Another text from your friend. Meh. Big deal. You’ll reply to it later. A text from them, however? You’re literally grinning from ear to ear, and it’s a huge sign that this is love and not an illusion. If they give you butterflies just by texting you, it’s embarrassing, sure – but it’s also cute.
They Make You Feel Safe
You know it’s true love when your partner can make you feel safe. After all, your partner is supposed to be the one person who protects you and looks after you, and who you can turn to when you need security. If this is exactly how you feel around your partner, it’s a good sign. To search your heart and inner feelings like this is another great tip on how to know if you are in love and make sure it’s not just an illusion.
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How to stop being needy and clingy in a relationship

01 December 0

At one time or another, most of us have found ourselves in a relationship where we’re clinging. But, this is never to our advantage. When you get a fleece jacket out of the dryer and every sock you own is stuck to it, it’s annoying, right?
This clinginess is also aggravating in a relationship. Ergo, don’t be a sock; socks suck.
Still, learning how to stop being needy and clingy is more than just a decision. Clinginess is  to need and need is a feeling we can’t always control.
This is why learning how to get your needs met is so vital. So is building your own self-esteem so you can frolic in a healthy relationship instead of wallow in an unstable one.
Unfortunately, many people assume that asking a partner to meet their needs will put an unfair pressure on them, a pressure that will leave the foundation of a union cracked.
Then everything — the love, bond, and trust — comes tumbling down. But, the irony is, in order to learn how to stop being needy, you must learn how to demand that your needs are indeed met. Yep, not expressing need creates neediness.
When we don’t express our needs and ask our partner to fulfill something, we stay locked in a state of need. That’s what creates neediness in a relationship.
For example, a woman who wants to tell the man she’s dating that she loves him might find herself unable to sleep, struggling at work, or distracted. She’ll definitely find herself insecure about her relationship.
Expressing her heart, on the other hand, removes this burden and transforms the partnership. It also allows the relationship to blossom into the next stage.
Part of this is when you’re being honest with yourself, you’re allowing your authentic self to be realized and that is so important in love and life. Be happy. Be sappy. Be hurt. Be a flirt. Be playful. Be graceful. The point is: be true and be you.
When you fail to learn how to express yourself, you fail to learn how to love as well. And then the relationship simply fades quietly into the night.
Being authentic and in touch with your needs is a skill we must learn; it’s scary to put yourself out there. It’s also very, very necessary. So, in order to re-frame your relationship and your role in it, ask yourself what it is you truly want.
Do you want to be heard? Do you want presence (or presents!)? Do you want clearer communication? Expressing your needs allows you and your partner to learn where you stand with each other.
And it’s different than putting overt pressure on somebody. But why? What makes something a burden and what makes it clean communication about one’s needs?
It comes down to this: when you’re asking someone to meet your needs, are you asking them to do something they’re uncomfortable with? When you’re asking someone to meet your needs, are you making assumptions about their intentions?
In other words, the key to clear communication is to ensure that the other person is okay and that you’re not making a request based on assumptions (or assigned blame).
Luckily, the latter is easily resolved. Assuming is a curable condition: talking is the remedy.
In other words, there is a huge difference between saying, “You never listen to me” and “I’m feeling a little insecure and I think I could use some more attention from you.”
One elicits defensiveness; the other does not. One prevents you from owning your experience; the other does not.
It’s not just words that help you do this, either. Most communication, the vast majority, is nonverbal — it’s not what you say but how you say it (your tone, your gestures).
This is why communicating face to face is always better than doing so over email or text; technology removes nonverbal communication from the equation and sets the stage for misunderstandings.
Communicating your needs in a way that owns them and doesn’t attack or blame the other person provides an opportunity for growth. It also allows your partner to step up and meet those needs, something they’ll want to do if your relationship is worthy.
If they don’t step up (or they accuse you of pressuring them when your communication is clear and you-centric), then it might be time to reassess your union.
Maybe you have different visions for the relationship. Maybe you’re at different stages in your life. Maybe the guy or gal who works at the coffee shop and always draws a heart on your chai latte is a better fit.
If that bridge appears, it’s one you’ll have to decide to cross.
Ideally, your partner will jump at the opportunity to meet your needs (and you will do the same for them), because that’s what makes a relationship go the distance.
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Nigerian Relationship Coach Who Got Pregnant At 19 And Faced Abuse, Shares Inspiring Story

06 October 0
Nigerian Relationship Coach Who Got Pregnant At 19 And Faced Abuse, Shares Inspiring StoryA Canada-based Nigerian relationship coach, ‎Biola Makanjuola has shared her inspiring story of how she found her life purpose and love again after she got pregnant at 19 and faced abuse.
The pretty lady took to her facebook page to share the inspiring story.
She wrote;
“Got pregnant at the age of 19, was zero’d out, condemned, alone and lost
Became a mother & thought it best to make it official with my son’s dad attheageof 20
Got into unhealthy patterns in our relationship that led to emotional abuse and toxicity for the most part. Finally got the courage to separate at the age of 23 after going through an abortion and Sexually Transmitted Disease.
This started my downward spiral into involving myself in multiple toxic relationships between the ages of 24 – 27
Confused, lost, dark, toxic relationships was my drug of choice. Felt unworthy, self-esteem dragging on the floor begging to be picked up, had little or no confidence, gave up my power to define who I was to other people because I just hated the woman I had become. I constantly questioned why I was so different and abnormal.
My body defined my worth. I clearly had nothing to offer. My single motherhood didn’t even help. They said I couldn’t do any better because of my baggage. I agreed with them and gave them my power. It was their word over mine.
Finally got tired of engaging in this toxic cycle and decided to embrace my difference. At this point, I was tired! I was sick! I was done! I found my light towards the end of 2016.
Found the love I had been seeking the whole time in myself. Things started clicking. I found my purpose. I realized I had a story to tell and was determined to share. I was worthy and enough the whole time and didn’t even know it. I finally found my voice and I promised myself to speak my truth.
I promised God that if he took me out of my misery and showed me the way, I will spend the rest of my life serving.
Currently serving and growing a tribe of women who believe in their power to create their stories and would do anything to make it happen.”

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ADVICE TO LADIES!! See What Happens Next The Moment You Agree To Date A Married Man,

05 October 0

The moment you agree to date a married man, you agree to be a second class woman, and every second class person is classified as a person of lower values. Now look at it this way.. If he is with you & his wife calls, he lies that he is still at the office or on an official assignment.You dare not interrupt his conversation or query him. But you can't call him when he is at home with family.....

My sisters, you be toy? He sneaks you from his car into his hotel room but gives his wife his entire home.....

My beloved sisters grow up, please! He visits you at home & you introduce him to friends & neighbours as your boyfriend thereby blocking your chances of getting a genuine suitor, yet
 you don't even know the name of the street where he lives.....

My sisters, how long will you continue to sacrifice your future? He takes you out & buys you assorted types of alcoholic drinks, yet he will never allow his wife taste even a drop of alcoholic drink. Common sense should tell you he is only doing that to get you drunk so he can truly destroy you in bed......

My dear sisters, na your body good pass for experiment? He gets you pregnant & gives you money for abortion, but when his wife gets pregnant he celebrates & gives her money for antenatal & baby things......

My sisters remember he is already raising his family. Oh just in case you don't know, he describes your emotions when he is with his friends but will never mention whatever happens between him & his wife. This makes all his friends see a lesser human in you......

My sisters, na your matter them take they drink beer ooo. He gives you a few cash & you're happy not knowing that whatever money he gives you is what he calls "Body no be firewood allowances" You have his picture on your phone & saved his number as "My Sweetheart" or whatever, yet your
 picture cannot be found on his phone & your number is saved on his phone as generator mechanic or refuse dispose........

My lovely sisters, you be learner? PLEASE let's give ourselves a proper re-evaluation today. Please help me to pass this message round to educate our ladies by tagging each & everyone on your page. Just a piece of advice.Thanks.

Source:Facebook user,name withheld.
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Reasons why most African men love thick African women

03 October 0

It’s an open secret that African men have a soft spot for thick women. Unlike their counterparts in western countries who prefer the thin and slim, most men in the motherland like their women to be well rounded with some amount of flesh in the right places. It makes one wonder what exactly it is they see in such women that makes them go crazy

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons African men love thick women.

A typical African woman is strong and hardworking. Not only does she take care of her husband and children, she also ensures that the home is in order. Laziness doesn’t exist in her dictionary. Before the imitation of the white man’s lifestyle, African women flaunted their thick bodies with pride as they took pride in catering to their families doing chores from the house to the farm. Times may have changed, but that image of the African woman still lingers in the hearts of most men. With a thick woman, they don’t have to worry so much because they are sure she can hold the home together.

Ego booster 
Most African men consider the body size of their woman as a yardstick for measuring their substance and capacity as real men. It’s common for these men to brag about the size of their woman – the bigger she is, the stronger and more capable they feel. A petite man who has a thick woman automatically feels bigger than he is, and there is the tendency for people to accord him more respect due to his woman’s physique. Like a trophy won, he goes around, flaunting her to the world.

Curvaceous body 
When a thick curvaceous woman passes by a group of African men, they turn in her direction in complete admiration. Figure 8 is a popular phrase used among African men to describe the shape of the kind of women they like. And most figure 8 women are thick. Adequate flesh fill the right places like a beautiful art painting to form this highly coveted body shape. Every outfit such women wear look good on them because their sexy bodies accentuate the outfits.

Softer and tender body skin 
One of the characteristics men find attractive in women is the softness of their body. In the dark, a man can easily identify a woman by her body texture. Thick women have more flesh which makes their body to be soft and womanly. For most African men, being with a skinny woman is like being with a fellow men as there is little or no skin to touch or feel.
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